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Molotov thrown into office of Senator Wendy Davis via CBS11

Here is a transcript of what @CBSDFW had posted on twitter today about 6:15pm

(18:10) At 4:02 p.m., a suspect threw a Molotov Cocktail at Sen. Wendy Davis’s Fort Worth office. No one was hurt, more to come.

(18:13) Sen. Davis’s spokesman says a staffer heard a loud thud outside her office, followed by a fire alarm. Davis was not at office.

(18:14) More: Staffer opened Davis’s door, found a bottle aflame on the floor surrounded by waist-high flames. This blocked entry to third floor.

(18:15) Con’t: One Davis staffer hopped over the flames to escape while another grabbed a fire extinguisher and put out fire. Again, no injuries.

picture of the aftermath was provided by @RyanJCormier

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